An IT partner with a focus on aggressive IT
Emvico works with aggressive IT, where your business goals become ours. We are more than just an IT supplier – we are your IT partner. Our strength lies in understanding your business and delivering solutions that not only meet your needs, but drive your business forward. We are the catalyst that helps you reach your goals, whether it's about innovation, getting things done, or finding solutions where standard isn't enough.

Tailor-made IT solutions for your success
We build scalable, future-proof IT solutions adapted to your specific needs and business goals. When the standard is not enough, we create unique solutions that drive your business forward and give you a competitive advantage - always with a focus on results and security.
Smart aftermarket solution with Fleet Hub
Fleet Hub helps manufacturing companies optimize sales to the aftermarket. With information about which service and which spare parts are needed at different times, you gain better control and can act proactively towards your customers, thereby increasing both your customer satisfaction and your profitability.
Geztio - Digital platform for events and destinations
Geztio is a platform for sports events, fairs and tourist destinations that want to create a seamless customer experience via web and app. With Geztio CMS and Geztio Marketplace, you can easily package offers and increase revenue by connecting visitors and local players.
The world's most capable knowledge graph
We have data from Freebase, Wikipedia and the web that exceeds what Google bought in 2016. Are you ready to power or catalyze AI with this powerful knowledge graph? Contact us to take part in a unique opportunity to use the data for your vision. Read more about Omnizens.
Multichannel CMS with OVERBLIQ
OVERBLIQ is a flexible CMS for web and mobile apps, where both your organization and your partners can easily edit content. Save time and money by using ready-made templates and deliver an app or website quickly - ready for both iOS and Android.
Create and maintain digital documents with WorkDOQ
WorkDOQ is a CMS that makes it easy to create, distribute and maintain dynamic documents digitally via web and apps. Perfect for businesses that need smooth flows to manage and update important documents quickly and efficiently.
Recent news
Recent news
Indoor Golf Group signs agreement with Geztio
Med en vision om att driva golfutvecklingen i Sverige framåt och göra golfen tillgänglig för alla, året runt driver Indoor Golf Group idag fler än 20 anläggningar, från Malmö till Östersund. Som ett led i att stärka kundupplevelsen har Indoor Golf Group tecknat avtal...
33,000 students run OVERBLIQ CMS during the High School Fair
19-21 november genomfördes Gymnasiemässan i Stockholm och vi är glada att allt flutit på smidigt, med hög prestanda och användarnöjdhet. 33 000 användare registrerades sig totalt via OVERBLIQ CMS och fick entrébiljetter via systemet såväl som att använda vår...
Emvico's 24/7 offering now certified with ISO 20000-1
Certifieringen av vårt erbjudande om Managed Services och 24/7, som utgår från vår hub i Budapest, visar att vi har förmåga att leverera effektiva tjänster som rör konfigurationshantering och ändringshantering samt processer som omfattar incident- och...
We are now launching the Emvico Software Development Teams
Vi är glada att nu kunna lansera Emvico Utvecklingsteam - ett erbjudande som knyter ihop vårt team och kompetens i Stockholm med de hubbar i Warszawa, Lviv och Budapest som vi satt upp under de senaste åren. Vi har arbetat med blended-leverans länge och har stort...
Emvico launches 24/7
Robusta, högtransaktionella eller globala system måste alltid vara tillgängliga. Förlust av trafik eller transaktioner i dessa IT-system kan resultera i potentiell förlust av intäkter, rykte eller användare. Om incidenter sker förebyggs eller minimeras deras skada av...
Tourist tax: Should we have it in Sweden? In-demand knowledge lecture by "Bulan"
Efterfrågan på kunskap om turistskatters vara eller inte vara och hur Sverige bör se på detta är stor. I augusti förekom Lars-Börje Bulan Eriksson på Geztio i media med inlägg i debatten, bland annat på Turistnytt, Dagens Industri och en serie inlägg på LinkedIn. Som...