Emvico accelerates ambitions within events and destinations by purchasing all IP from Gezt.io

Feb 9, 2024

Emvico and its subsidiary OQ Software have finalized the purchase of all IP from the event and destination technology company Gezt, including all brands for Gezt, Conqr, and www.Deztinations.com.

A new company will be focused on providing digital solutions for events - such as arenas, fairs, and sports events – and destinations with a focus on visitor experiences.

The digital platform is already integrated and aligned with the OVERBLIQ platform of OQ Software and delivers a powerful, seamless mobile app and web experience for a mobile first end user experience and enables the host of an event or destination to have control over and leverage a customer dialogue, for the benefit of end user qualitative service and experience as well as enable increased revenues.

”Besides the backend CMS for editors, which will seamlessly publish content in our delivered web and mobile app channels for events and destinations in one process, we will now also be able to extending the booking system within the platform and the ticket management integrations and services to offer our customers a complete platform on which to realize greater customer experience and increased revenues with their event or destination partners”, says Fredrik Lundkvist, CEO of Emvico.

The new company will join forces with Lars Börje ”Bulan” Eriksson (Lars-Börje Eriksson – Wikipedia).

”Having Bulan join this ambition have been a key for our decision. His knowledge about the sector of events and destinations and network within the industry is unmatched. Together with our own strong technical and delivery ability, solid finances, and our experience and capacity to create an organization around which this company can scale I am confident we have the pieces for success at hand”, continues Lundkvist.

For more information, contact fredrik.lundkvist@emvico.se.