We are now launching the Emvico Software Development Teams

Sep 16, 2024

We are pleased to launch Emvico Software Development Teams - an offer that connects our team and expertise in Stockholm with the hubs in Warsaw, Lviv and Budapest that we set up in recent years.

We have worked with blended delivery for a long time and have a large network of contacts in Europe and experience in nearshore. We now see that the model we use gets existing customers, where we can combine our great responsibility close to the customer with cost-effective excellence, is something that there is a need for in the market. We feel that there is a gap between offshore attractive costs but also problems with time zones and sometimes cultural differences and Europe's nearshore, which has experienced large price increases in recent years.

We have packaged an offer with a working method that we have several years of experience with. We know that within a couple of weeks we can go from your inquiry to full availability, where you then have a competent team in place with very competitive pricing. We always have Swedish staff present at the center of the teams, so it is not only a matter of finding competence, but that we both manage and are responsible for the teams.

We know that our staff at all hubs have high competence, but if the people or their personality doesn't work perfectly, we offer to replace this competence during a trial period at no cost to the customer.

"We have noticed that many companies have skills and teams that may not succeed in combining communication and culture with price and responsibility. We are trying to address exactly that need. I hope and believe that customers who want to review their current set-up, with cost and skills for developers, or entire teams who may find themselves in a scale-up phase and want to act quickly to increase quality and presence, will find us interesting to work with", Fredrik Lundkvist, CEO Emvico.

Read about this offer on our campaign page.