Our offers

Your IT partner for developing the system that makes a difference

It is easy to understand the existence of standard systems. They do the job, you get a share of constant progress and improvement, and it's safe. But safe is also "equal". For some processes it is a given. Economics is not a potential difference maker. Neither is basic sales support. But there are many business processes where a company can and should distinguish itself.

IT is not just a matter of hygiene, not a matter of digitizing work. It is a catalyst, a uniqueness, a springboard, and a competitive factor if done right.

We work with offensive IT. We are looking for customers where we can become partners, where we can understand and then make their business goals "ours". We want to win together. We can handle most (everything) in IT/technology. Our technical core is among the best in the country and it's actually true. But what we don't want to do is to simply write code, but to build systems for clients that impact their success, their bottom line.

When you feel that "standard" is not what you dreamed of or when you may be close to giving in to let the ERP or CRM take care of "everything". When it gives you a sense of you actually wanting more, then we want to be there and say that you can, and we are willing.

We use the best of investments already made and existing systems. Then we build together, in a close process with your business experts and users, and build exactly what is needed. It takes time, it usually costs more than implementing only standard and then living with new updates every year. But it will have a real effect. We have built solutions for and run infrastructure management as well as support organizations for large companies. We will ensure that the investment is sustainable and safe. But not safe as in cautious, copying and rectifying, but as in unique, innovative, desired and effective.

It's easy to try. Meet us, talk to us about what you want, and then we'll prove to you if we can highlight a path that you believe can lead to more success.

Illustration of people building a modular system

Take back and maintain control of your installed base of products

Fleet Hub is designed to reach as close to 100% of theoretical spare parts sales as possible. This goal led Fleet Hub to be built as a flexible and complete solution to support all roles in the aftermarket. To gain and maintain control of the installed base of products, its maintenance, which spare parts are available and when they are replaced, manage the scheduling of proactive maintenance and support reactive service in the event of incidents etc.

It is common to lose control of the installed base of products.

Spare parts are changed, but no one has a sensible system to regulate it. So after a while, no one knows what is installed on a product and when parts have been changed. Maintenance is carried out but the service records end up in folders, mailboxes or in people's heads. Incidents are handled without structured support. Ad hoc and the planning of maintenance occurs less on the manufacturer's initiative and process/control than sporadically.

The reason is often that systems responsible for supporting these processes are not efficient to use for most user groups, inside and outside the manufacturer's network/organization, and that they do not provide the right support at the right time.

Fleet Hub by Emvico is developed to meet the flexible needs of different users at different times. The system is used – at the computer, on the go, when performing service – by anyone involved with the entire process. The product is monitored, you keep control of it, and you can collaborate on proactive as well as reactive maintenance and service. All while the sale of spare parts is driven proactively as well as reactively optimally.

If you see potential in improving your aftermarket, Fleet Hub can be the flexible extension of your ERP that makes it de facto possible. We would love to talk to you about it.

Screenshot of the Fleethub website

Qualitative and cost-effective nearshore with guarantee

We have worked with nearshore for 15 years. We have many contacts in several countries and lots of experience. We have used this to set up our own hubs in Kiev and Warsaw.

We only run nearshore since time zone, culture and quality have proven to give the absolute best results. We have succeeded in fine-tuning the process of finding the right skills quickly, offering guarantees and getting the prices competitive with offshore.

We offer those who need to acquire IT skills the following:

  • Developer, QA, devops with the right profile to meet for an interview within 2 weeks of your request
  • Prices competitive with offshore
  • Two-week trial period (if you are not satisfied, we will replace the profile free of charge)
  • Four weeks continuous notice period
  • Security interviews and background checks are part of our process

Contact us to discuss your needs. We take responsibility for you bringing in people who perform, and you basically have nothing to lose as we guarantee it.

An image of a building façade with white balconies and lush trees and plants


Robust, highly transactional or global systems must always be available. Loss of traffic or transactions in these IT systems could result in potential loss of revenue, reputation or users. If incidents do occur, their damage is prevented or minimized by a quick recovery with a good and robust and available incident management.

The systems we work with are always important to the customer. Sometimes they are so spread out geographically and/or are used around the clock that uptime must be ensured outside office hours and sometimes 24/7.

För att möta dessa behov har vi nu skapat en organisation med vilken vi kan erbjuda 24/7/365 tillgänglighet på applikations- och driftsupport. Från våra hubbar i Warzawa och Budapest, kombinerar vi nu kompetens på utveckling/applikation med drift/infrastruktur.

Application, Operations or Managed Service

We can offer competence that can act at the application level but also appoint and take responsibility for operations and infrastructure. Together, both competences can be combined into responsibility for managed service from us, i.e. where we cover the entire system and its various competence needs of infrastructure and application.

  • Application level support, where we join an existing process and organization that manages operations/infrastructure to be able to analyze incidents at the application level when restart scripts and operational skills are not enough. Usually this level is offered for applications we have developed ourselves, but we can also take over competence in and manage other systems.
  • Operational and infrastructure support, where we ensure your servers and services are up and running and properly monitored. In the event of critical incidents, we act.

Regardless of whether it is an application, infrastructure or a whole, we offer our competence and service in two different ways:

Always On – we are available all the time, i.e. in front of the screen for both minor and major incidents. Emvico expertise will therefore be at the screen with your system every minute of the year if desired.

Stand-By – we are notified at a certain level of incident outside of office hours and act within an agreed time, down to 5 minutes if desired.

We have extensive experience with processes and organization for "managed services" and similar responsibilities. With our organization with full-time employees in Stockholm, Warsaw and Kiev/Liev and now Budapest, we feel safe discussing a setup 24/7 with all types of companies and system complexities.

Contact us for a dialogue about how we can secure your system outside of office hours.

Illustration of people building a modular system