Vi har aldrig haft bråttom att växa. Men det visar sig att, den 22 augusti välkomnar vi vår senaste medarbetare Najem Seddiqi som kommer från en tjänst som...

Vi har aldrig haft bråttom att växa. Men det visar sig att, den 22 augusti välkomnar vi vår senaste medarbetare Najem Seddiqi som kommer från en tjänst som...
Vi gav oss nyligen ut på en fyra dagars konferensresa till den fängslande staden Málaga, Spanien. Resan, som ägde rum 25-28 maj, var utformad för att...
Som en del i arbetet med att rikta CMS-plattformen OVERBLIQ för framtiden bedrivs nu ett utforskande arbete med Adam Bengtsson vid Datavetenskapliga linjen på...
If you’ve ever wished that your phone were lighter, a battery lasted longer, or your plane flight required less fuel for the environment, then you’ve wished...
The real estate company Klövern uses OVERBLIQ CMS to offer tenants and visitors to Uppsala Business Park information and news about the area and its...
KRAV has for several years been using OBVERBLIQ to support their process of revising, publishing, and amending their KRAV Regelbok (rule book) in both web and...
Together with the people at Dstny (former Soluno) we at Emvico helped to develop and launch their billing system called Billing Management Portal (BMP)....
We were happy to invite some of our colleagues from Ukraine to a week of meeting customers. Workshops, kickoffs, and customer site visits plus social...
We thank everyone who came to mingle with us as we inaugurated our new premises on Förrådsgatan in Solna on Friday 9 September. We will feel at home here, and...
We are very happy to welcome Sebastian Junhem as a new developer to Emvico. Sebastian most recently came from a job as a developer at Peribon and will start...